Monday, March 21, 2011

Trying Juveniles As Adults Or Not

True Notebooks:
A Writer's Year at Juvenile Hall
by Mark Salzman
Photo taken by me
    Many juveniles in California have been tried as adults even for minor offenses due to Proposition 21 and the state law. However, I think trying them as adults is not a good way to help and educate them. In the book 'True Notebooks: A Write's Year at Juvenile Hall' by Mark Salzman, the writer gives his own experience about teaching the writing class in the Juvenile Hall and demonstrates the situation of different juveniles. He shows us how they acted in the jail and their stories through the passages that they wrote. In my opinions, trying the juveniles as adults is not a good way to rehabilitate them since it is too harsh and ruthless for them. The juveniles may feel stressful and hopeless when they are in the hall. Moreover, the delinquents are too young to get into the adult prison system as they are not well educated and cared before they get arrested. Knowing the reason or situation that they commit crime is also very important because we can determine if the crime is serious.

    Juveniles are just some teenagers who commit crime wrongly and it is too cruel for them to try as adults. When they are trying as adults, "they would alsmot surely be targets for abuse and cruelty". (211) They are controlled by strict rules in the hall and "is given adult sentences", too. (50) Since they are just teenagers, I think this way is absolutely not rehabilitating them but limiting and squeezing. The thing that teenagers need is freedom because they can build their confidence and image through it. However, what I realize after reading the book is that the juveniles feel hopeless and helpless. Sister Janet even doubted that how we can "imaging being seventeen years old and feeling this lonely and confused". (42) Another example is that they are not treated fairly when they have sentence. The count-appointed lawyer for Kevin didn't take good care of his case and didn't even reply any mesages until Kevin is sentenced.

A dictionary is given to Duc, a Vietnamese,
from Mark.
    Moreover, most of the juveniles are not well educated before they get into the hall. Once they get into the hall, they will not have chances to learn and develop themselves. They are blocked from the 'outside' society and they don't even know what's happending in the global. For instance , they cannot celebrate the Christmas Eve and they can just memorize the celebration that they had few years ago. Also, education is extremely important for the teenagers, especially for juveniles; Since they have committed crim,e the chances to get jobs are lowered. Even though they are admitted, lack of experience and skill would be a serious problem. For example, Duc, who was a student in Salzman's writing class, didn't know English much before he went to the hall. If he didn't meet Salzman, he won't have chances to learn English and improve the writing skill. Thus, they may commit crime and send to prison again since they are jobless. It will affect the whole society so it is senseless.

    Last but not least, I think it is very important to understand the situation and the reason that the juveniles commit crime. Some of them are instigated by the gangs and some of them may be neglected by their parents. Different conditions may lead them to do something erroneously and we should consider their situation. Salzman tells that "society judges young people without knowing the whole story" (197) so it is essential to understnad them before trying them as adults.

    To conclude, trying juvenile as adults is not reasonable and thoughtful because it will definitely affect both the teenagers and the society. The book that Salzman writes gives a really good chance for me to understand the situation of juveniles. Since they are part of the society, I think we should show our consideration and concerntration on them. Although they did something illegal, we should give chances and care to them. The outcome of trying all of them as adults will be negative and won't help them with their future.



    The process of this essay is really helpful for me to keep track on writing essay. Actually, I seldom annotate when I am reading the sources or articles. It will be very annoying if I want to find out some specific examples in the book as it is hard to find out. As I need to point out some specific examples in the book to prove my controlling ideas, I need to annotate and write short quotes when I am reading. After annotating it, I found it very useful and convenient.

    Moreover, I found that I have put too many points in one paragraph which may be very confusing and messy. I need to improve the organization of my essay so that one paragraph will only focus on one main point.

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