Monday, March 21, 2011

Biography of Tiffany Wong

    Hi everyone! I am Tiffany Wong ,an international student studying in California from Hong Kong, China. I love listening to Rock and Roll music and I love playing jazz drum and electric guitar. My hobbies include driving, taking photos of beautiful view, watching any kinds of television show in Taiwan and, of course, sleeping. I am now nineteen years old and I am Saggitarius, which means that I am active, adventuous, optimistic and talkative.

    I used to stay with my parents and my brother in Hong Kong before I came to the United States. In the winter of 2009, I decided to study aboard in California. It was a turning point in my life since things totally changed. I am now living with my friend and her family in a house in Mountain View. Hopefully, I will transfer out in Fall 2011 to UCs or private universities. I am interested in communicating with people, using media to know much about the society and making advertisement or marketing stuff.

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